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WUT (Washington United Terminal) Appointment System

Writer's picture: Terminal TransferTerminal Transfer

Per Nicole Dombrowski @ WUT


We are NOT offering same day appointments at this time, as we figure out flow and labor needs.

Appointments are needed for all imports in the RTG runs only, (Rows 17, 27, 37, 57, 67, 77).

Appointments are needed for all empty deliveries.

Appointments are needed for all empty p/ups.

Appointments are needed for all export deliveries.

Wheeled imports and those set up in Peel Off Piles are NOT requiring appointments at this time.

Imports – please always check availability on our website prior to making appointments on eModal. Currently eModal is allowing appointments to be made on containers that are on Customs hold or on a Freight hold. Please do not make appointments on containers that are not completely released, this will cause your drivers to be turned, or delayed at the gate.

Imports – Error messages with the orange are just a warning. You can still make the appointment, Click okay and proceed to save the appointment.

Error messages with the red are an error and appointments can’t be made., please email with container number(s) and screen shots so we can research and find the problem.

Exports – All export drops (deliveries) need appointments. WUT is NOT requiring a container number for these appointments, we are only verifying the booking number at the gate. Please use a ‘dummy’ container number (4 letters and 7 numbers – i.e. XXX 1234567) to secure the appointment. You can use any valid license plate to make the appointment, we do not verify the license plate at the gate either.

Export Empty p/ups need appointments.

EDO/EQR releases, if it is just an empty release from WUT, not a booking to be returned to WUT as a load, we are not able at this time to send EDI to eModal for appointments. Please come in for pick-up without an appointment.

We strongly encourage not to wait until the last free day, or the day before the last free day to make appointments. The appointments fill up quick, we will try to make exceptions, but we will not always be able to do so. It can cause congestion in the yard, and the possibility of turning drivers at the end of the day without their loads.

Drivers without appointments will be directed to leave the terminal.

Please if you have any questions, email us at

Thank you!

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